티스토리 뷰


the new Counsel General of the Republic of Korea in Chicago, Jong-Kook Lee Photo Cred: Brad Nam

     Last May, I had an opportunity to interview the new Counsel General of the Republic of Korea in Chicago, Jong-Kook Lee.  Former ambassador for Libya, Counsel Jong-Kook Lee graduated from Seoul University in 1982 with a degree in International Relations, and continued on to a master’s degree in International Relations from Texas State University. This following is the interview with Counsel Lee:


the new Counsel General of the Republic of Korea in Chicago, Jong-Kook Lee / Photo Cred: Brad Nam

     With regard to upcoming plans and goals as the new Counsel General of the Republic of Korea in Chicago, Counsel Lee has prepared his plans: “There is no doubt that Chicago is one of the three major U.S. cities. For the past month, I have held meetings with the leading members of the Korean American community to discuss the current situations and future plans. I, myself, have been considering what needs emphasis and financial supports.”


the new Counsel General of the Republic of Korea in Chicago, Jong-Kook Lee / Photo Cred: Brad Nam

     In addition, he answered that the Consulate of the Republic of Korea in Chicago covers the 13 states in the Midwest, called the “heartland,” which is responsible for the largest area among all the Consulates General in the Unites States. He said that he will not only focus on Chicago and Indiana, but he also will focus equally on all the cities of those 13 states in which Korean Americans reside.


the new Counsel General of the Republic of Korea in Chicago, Jong-Kook Lee / Photo Cred: Brad Nam


  He has some plans regarding Indiana. Indiana is the 5th largest Korean populated state among the 13 states that the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Chicago covers; therefore, it is not small. He hopes to visit Indiana soon, to meet with officials, and see and hear for himself what it needs. Recently, the Consulate of the Republic of Korea in Chicago has worked in Indiana taking part in the Korean culture night event, the voting ballot held in the IndyKorea office, and etc. He also plans on working with the director of education of the Korean school to expand the Korean schools in Indiana, for the benefit of Korean and Korean American children.


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