티스토리 뷰

During summer vacation, I got a graduate assistant job in the Rinker Center for International Programs (RCIP). Because I have worked here, I can understand the exact role of the RCIP. One of main roles of the RCIP is supporting many things regarding international students. For example, they issue international students’ visas and give useful information such as housing and classes registration.

Photo Cred: Namhoon Kim

In addition, the RCIP holds many cultural events for international students. For example, last year, international students could attend the 2015 Amazing Taste, a global festival, by helping the RCIP. The Amazing Taste is Ball State's annual celebration of global culture, featuring cuisine from over 20 countries, live music and dancing, and an evening of family-friendly cultural activities.

2015 Amazing Taste, a global festival (made by Namhoon Kim)

According to Daiki Fukuzawa, who is an international student from Japan at Ball State University, he thinks the RCIP is a very useful department for international students. He insists that the RCIP is not only giving information to students, but also helping international students to understand the various cultures through events for the Amazing Taste.  

Receptionist in the RCIP, Jessica Holsinger / Photo Cred: Namhoon Kim

Jessica Holsinger, receptionist in the RCIP, emphasized “I always try to make international students comfortable whenever they come to the RCIP office. Although some international students are good at using English because they are foreigners, I think they are people, who need helping. When they feel comfortable, we can communicate with each other better. Sometimes, I use body language for them. In addition, because I have the similar experiences as them in the past, I will try to treat them kindly.”

Every year many international students have come to Ball State University steadily. In 2014-15 year, the Ball State University has 795 international students, and in 2015-16 year, the Ball State University has 647 new international students. 

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