티스토리 뷰
Photo Cred: Brad Nam
During this summer, I have worked at a magazine, IndyKorea as a writer and photographer. The magazine helps to build communication between people such as Korean-American, Korean immigrants, and people who are interested in Korean culture. The IndyKorea is published at the beginning of every month. The main office of IndyKorea is located on Pendleton Pike in Indianapolis.
Photo Cred: Namhoon Kim
The IndyKorea was started last year. However, the IndyKorea has increasingly carried much weight with Korean people living in Indiana, despite its short history. My role in the IndyKorea is writing columns at the magazine about trends of Korean entertainment and sharing success stories of Koreans’ who live in the Indianapolis. Sometimes, I take photos of some events regarding the Korean community such as the Korean parade in the Indy 500 festival, which showed in June.
the editor of IndyKorea, Brad Nam / Photo Cred: Namhoon Kim
According to the editor of IndyKorea, Brad Nam, there are about 27,000 Koreans in Indiana. He said, in the past, at the beginning of Koreans’ immigration to Indianapolis, the Korean community was developed near a cheaper housing area. However, many Koreans have moved toward great educational environments such as Camel or Fishers after the 2000s. Many Koreans believe Camel or Fishers have good high schools because parents want to send their children to good universities. This is because of Korea's obsession with education. Most Koreans have given money freely for their children’s education even if they feel a financial burden. They believe that investing in education can improve their social class. For example, in 2010, the international education rankings from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development – based on tests SAT by 470,000 15-year-olds in 65 countries – put South Korea in top position because of children’s education.
In addition, some of Korean restaurants’ were located near Camel or Fishers such as Bando Korean Restaurant or Mama's Korean Restaurant because of the Korean community. Many Koreans are self-employed because Indiana doesn’t have big companies and factories. The other many Koreans living in Indiana are also engaged in teaching at universities.